Do you have a question?
Dear customers,
Here you will find the most important information about our online store and especially the ways in which you can contact us:
In most cases, we respond to emails on a given business day, at the latest the following.
You can also use our chat in the lower right corner of the screen, both to help online and to leave a message outside of business hours.
Correspondence address:
MAV Trading s.r.o.
Broučkova 7150
760 01 Zlín
Czech Republic
Billing address:
MAV Trading s.r.o.
Dolečky I 535
763 14 Zlín-Štípa
Czech Republic
ID: 292 63 671
VAT ID: CZ29263671
Bank account:
IBAN: CZ24 2010 0000 0029 0024 7083