
Primegreen products are made from recycled plastics . Used plastic is collected, for example, from the oceans, and adidas then uses it to produce shoes and textiles to protect the environment for future generations.



It's more ecological. More sustainably. Better. In harmony with our planet

Why is plastic waste a problem?

The plastic waste crisis is at its peak. Everything we do, whether it's a small thing or a big thing, affects the world and our future. Every day, thousands of containers of paste waste are dumped into our oceans. It is said that currently, for every single person on the planet, there is one ton of plastic waste that is exported to the oceans. Plastic in the oceans subsequently kills fish, breaks down into microplastics and subsequently pollutes our organisms and the environment around us. The impact of plastic waste is huge.

adidas decided to respond to this situation and eliminate the creation of additional plastic by developing the Primegreen material. Primegreen fabric does not contain any original plastic, it is made from recycled plastic.

7 ways to use less plastic:

  1. Don't take plastic bags, use your reusable eco-friendly bags.
  2. Carry your cloth shopping bag.
  3. Do not use plastic straws.
  4. Shop in packaging-free stores.
  5. Get a coffee mug.
  6. Sort waste correctly.
  7. Shop at farmers markets, not supermarkets where everything is packed in plastic