How to clean shoes

Never wash shoes in the washing machine. Do not dive the shoes in water.

Use lukewarm (not hot) water, quality soap or shoe polish and a soft, lint-free cloth or brush (old toothbrushes work well) to clean uppers, midsoles and soles, including the inside of the shoe and both sides of the insole. Do not use bleach or fabric softener. Remove shoelaces and insoles from shoes before cleaning. The laces can be washed by hand or in the washing machine. The insoles can be cleaned with the rest of the shoe (see below).

The sooner you treat the dirt, the better chance you have of getting rid of it. Dirt and grease can not only contaminate your shoes, but also damage their water resistance
and breathability. Dry the shoes from the inside and outside with a towel (including insoles, if the shoes have them). 
To maintain the correct shape and remove moisture, pad the shoe with paper (do not use newspapers, they can leave stains). Allow to dry at room temperature and replace paper if necessary. Never use direct heat sources (radiator, fireplace, oven, hair dryer) to dry.
Do not assemble the shoes until all their parts (including the laces) are dry.

After complete drying, we recommend treating the shoes with care products or impregnation.